The Angry Mouse

You know that electronic fetish that puppets our mind to slink over for the next iPhone? It’s slowly migrating down the tube of the Enterprise feeding off mac-airs and lava-lamps. What’s next? Space technologies that allows for battles on the third moon of orion (I think that exists)? Fighting off an army of robots by finding the chosen one? Developing games that control actual humans – like that one movie? Where shall the candy-coated coal-path of electronics take us? Technology, at only an unfledged stage, could shroud all truth from our minds when it’s wings spread.

It almost scares me to think of the negative implementations of our addiction. Maybe today iPhones are deemed valuable enough to be on every kid’s Christmas list (definitely on mine), but what about the good ol’ G.I.Joes and the badass Ken dolls? As $5 digital cameras become $4.99, Barbies and Cabbage Patch dolls are sitting on some shelf serving as the 3rd leg for spider-webs of mockery. Tangible toys are tossed aside making room for the ever fashionable wireless internet and windows 7.

Technology is to the average 21st-century man as scales are to a reptile; it wraps around us, unforgivingly, as if it were a part of us. You can try to shed it, but it will just regrow, regrow, regrow. Yeah! Who cares about pollution and global warming when there’s going to be some awesome 4-legged tripod that’ll clean all our tar filled lakes for us and sleek our hair back in the morning.

I write this in frustration of my mouse which won’t click.

: |


Joke: What did the Egyptian man say to the Egyptian woman?
-Come behind the pyramid, and I'll make you a

Finger Lickin' Fan-fudging-tastic

This morning I woke up, agape by the strangest dream:

It was the first day back to school and, in the words of Spongebob Squarepants, I was ready. With sanguine expectations, I viciously attacked the binders I so neatly organized the night before and squalidly jammed what I could down the throat of my bag. My mom, eager to get rid of excess weight, drove enthusiastically down Harbour Pointe. While waiting in traffic with the other obviously-not-morning-people moms, I snobbishly glanced over in the side mirror narcissistically admiring the reflection. Now, you know how the mirrors all, in barely legible font, say "objects in the mirror are smaller than they appear," well, that mushroom cloud dangling in the air didn't look so much as an inch smaller than the car behind me. Yeah, I was pretty damn terrified. Of course, it was just a dream and so I didn't die right then and there, instead it gave a countdown time of 2:00:00 to get my butt 100 miles north, destination: Portland. Sure, my mom probably could have just driven us, but I ain't too logical when chemotherapy was less than 40 miles away. Then this blondie, in the backseat (dunno how she appeared), seditious spoke up and asserted we steal the hotdog-vendor-mobile and take it for a ride. Hey, when a freakin' pee-your-pants bomb appears out of nowhere, you do what you have to do.

Yeah. Some weird stuff. Never found out if I survived or not >:|

Anyhow, I found out that KFC changed their slogan.
R.I.P.: Finger lickin' good. COMMENT

Bathroom? But I don't know how!

Angel’s Evolutionary Epiphany

Darwin dedicated his life to concatenating pedantries of animals with similar characteristics.

Thousands of biogeneticists dedicated their lives dredging into Darwin’s theory, applying the pieces to the puzzle of evolution.

I dedicated my life this year to getting an A in bio, meaning I’ma forced to learn this.

The basic process of natural selection functions on the foundation of sex (teehee, I said sex), the subtle advantages one has over another to be able to reproduce (harder)better/faster/stronger. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, we’ve altered the course of development with all of our anti-cancer, anti-AID, anti-whatever (u get the gist) to essentially attempting to cheat/prolong death. With our bulging population, reproduction has become a dispensable tool. It allows females to pick-and-choose specific males (or vice-versa) based on arguably trivial features – looks, money, brains. That being said, doesn’t that mean our future generations will progressively become hotter, richer, smarter? My dad’s crass stolidity towards my insight greatly disturbs me, what’s your reaction/opinion? COMMENT. (picture by Kedemel)

You know what else greatly disturbs me? My inability to sleep - though I’d like to think of it as more of a talent than a disability (but its probably a self-destructive disorder). How else would I be able to post this late and find such exciting pics for you. For future references, I hope no one goes fishing in a toilet bowl.

This is intended to be a Monday-blog, but I’ma be watching Gossip Girls tomorrow. Don’t be judging.


“It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept.”

–Calvin (from Cal. And Hobbes)

Frog Eat Frog World

Obesity: Americans don't just embody the word, they churlishly pelvic-thrust all their junk into it; they've smothered it with their lard and mutated it with recyclable grease.

I know it's unsightly and probably inappropriate for a blog as such, but if this picture inspires you to toss aside that cloying mickyD sundae, then its done it's job. His name is Koushikinath. By giving him an identity, he's more...relatable, more human: one of us :O! (k, don't be making a witty remark here. this picture was not modeled after me >:| ). Look at that elated face, content by posing as an airplane. Ecstasy that cloaks the reality of an unsatisfied curiously of being unable to ride on planes. Seats intended for size 4 people are expected to carry Americans: average size - 14. By golly, I think we have an epidemic. ...Maybe that Mona Lisa pic would've been better on this post. Oh wellz.

On a totally unrelated note, I think I need sleeping pills, or maybe I'm a bat. The sun makes me more tired than being cloistered to my bed. Maybe it's the UV rays, hmm.

Here's your interesting, non-fattening, picture for the day. What I like to call a "Frog eat frog world". Of course, we all know in our society who's eating (Koushikinath) what (KFC: finger lickin' good).

Oh btw, by reading through all of this, you've lost 30 calories. Why not burn more fat by reading the rest?

Commenting has been fixed:

The American Mona Lisa.

Preempted answer: Why am I NOT whiny.

With two unread chapters of history due monday, a towering assemblage of overdue assignments, and occasional (HA! more like every 10 min) dawdles on facebook, terms like 'a good night's sleep' are all but illusory. Funny how just weeks ago I was filled with beatific visions of knowing that tomorrow will be another morphine filled day of internet overload and lethargic episodes.

Anywho, :D To y'all who are following me (mostly people I bribed or blackmailed) here's another daily, canker causing, pic for you. If there's any reason to follow me, it's for my daily upload of fresh fun-filled fervor. (look how i "skillfully" used an alliteration, lol)

Picture painted by Fernando Botero, I dub it the American Mona Lisa.
╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ / follow. :D

To bypass the current nasty comment-hating layout, press the comment
button at the top, then continuously press the "Tab"
button til u get to where u want.

A little about me, god.

This rant-blog is dedicated to the audacious life of a misanthropic kid.

Angel Wu is afflicted with a terminal disease that coerces her into taking a bajillion AP classes. Treatment?: AP classes.

- hunt down a pair of rabbits to make slippers
- find plasticine to make purdy houses
- play a good game of monopoly

A little insight into the Angel's life.
Isn't ironic that priceless and worthless share a definition?
Priceless: without price
Worthless: without price.

Here's a little something to saturate your brain in. In tribute of 9-11

(or follow in this case)

One Cup for You

It's Hibernation Week for me. I've had my creative juices wrung out of me (let the sexual comments flow in).
A rainbow up above me,
A shadow beside,
I hear the ice-cream calling.
(it's 7-5-7 right?)
Short HC rant:
Going to homecoming is going to put me off dances for the rest of my life. Oh, the drama. Oh, the dog-crack licking drama. :| Tolo > HC

Anyway. As it is still the 17th here in America, HBD!


ALL RIGHT. I feel like breaking the silence - for a while anyway. Yes. I’d go both ways for Megan fox. I'd go three-way if u topple that with an Olivia Wilde. And if u add a few Brad Pitt sprinkles, that's like...a blinding explosion of hotness. Those three should never be in the same room together for that particular reason. haha. i'ma kidding.
SO: Maxim's hottest two, AND FOR GOOD REASON.

Oh, house is on tonight. MUST WATCH MUST WATCH MUST WATCH. He's finally embraced his mentally disturbed, drug addicted, bulletwounded self. :D X-CITING.



Little girl say what?
K. cuz my blog seems to be on viagra (u know, getting longer and longer), today's is going to be a sex-free day
. Here's the few things on the agenda: F.A.Q.'s, updates, and a get-me-to-get-to-know-you-to-me thing.

Florida's Apple Queen:
Q: When do u update?
A: I'ma try to daily. I'll probably waste away into a weekly blog though.

Q: OMG! Why so often
A: To me, it's less of a blog and more of a daily yogawriting class. Besides. I have years of repressed emotions. >:|

Q: What's up with the pictures?
A: It's a picture-book blog.

Q: >:O Where do u find those pictures?
A: Ah, with a little help from my friend Mickey (the mouse) and the magic of the internet, even I can do wonders. 8D
-MM picture by Hammerson

- commenting has been fixed 8D
- music added
- I've dusted everything with cool-er-lie-zers. It's a pixeldrug. :D. Effects? It gives you yellow teeth and red eyes. Guess you're set for Halloween!

A little more about Angel.
HA. I lied. (but yeah. twilight sucks balls)

(jk. Well, not til the 17th) :D


Prositution, 64
no repeats or STDs.
You'll start, and I'll follow
Starting with...

Prostitution is A-OK in my world. So many god damn conservippys (conservative hippies?)
wear goggles of frown whenever prostitution seems to be the topic. Why? Sure it's probably not the safest job around, but compared to working at your local grocery store bagging some couple's strawberry condoms, it's a damn better option.
It startles me how many people are disgusted by prostitution. It may not have a diamond studded title tagged with money, cars, and ...oh wait, they have those... but it's definitely a job none the less. Prostitution or hobos. PICK YOUR FANCY.



Prostitudes should be given the right to do their job. They make the world better (disregard STDs)

KABOOM! For the past weeks, homework and debate have finally seemed to intersect, menstruating into Angel's Big Bang of homeworkyness. So sry for never updating.
Oh yeah. I'm a bald 63 year old. :O


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