Bathroom? But I don't know how!

Angel’s Evolutionary Epiphany

Darwin dedicated his life to concatenating pedantries of animals with similar characteristics.

Thousands of biogeneticists dedicated their lives dredging into Darwin’s theory, applying the pieces to the puzzle of evolution.

I dedicated my life this year to getting an A in bio, meaning I’ma forced to learn this.

The basic process of natural selection functions on the foundation of sex (teehee, I said sex), the subtle advantages one has over another to be able to reproduce (harder)better/faster/stronger. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, we’ve altered the course of development with all of our anti-cancer, anti-AID, anti-whatever (u get the gist) to essentially attempting to cheat/prolong death. With our bulging population, reproduction has become a dispensable tool. It allows females to pick-and-choose specific males (or vice-versa) based on arguably trivial features – looks, money, brains. That being said, doesn’t that mean our future generations will progressively become hotter, richer, smarter? My dad’s crass stolidity towards my insight greatly disturbs me, what’s your reaction/opinion? COMMENT. (picture by Kedemel)

You know what else greatly disturbs me? My inability to sleep - though I’d like to think of it as more of a talent than a disability (but its probably a self-destructive disorder). How else would I be able to post this late and find such exciting pics for you. For future references, I hope no one goes fishing in a toilet bowl.

This is intended to be a Monday-blog, but I’ma be watching Gossip Girls tomorrow. Don’t be judging.


“It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept.”

–Calvin (from Cal. And Hobbes)


Sally said...

Fun fact: 39% of Americans don't believe in the Theory of Evolution.

Also, that Calvin&Hobbes strip looks strikingly familiar. :/

Anonymous said...



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