One Cup for You

It's Hibernation Week for me. I've had my creative juices wrung out of me (let the sexual comments flow in).
A rainbow up above me,
A shadow beside,
I hear the ice-cream calling.
(it's 7-5-7 right?)
Short HC rant:
Going to homecoming is going to put me off dances for the rest of my life. Oh, the drama. Oh, the dog-crack licking drama. :| Tolo > HC

Anyway. As it is still the 17th here in America, HBD!


Unknown said...

We can be those two girls, moosh(:

SmellsLikeSunshine said...

haikus are 5-7-5, foo'.

DoctorSeuss said...

Oh. lol, mah bad.

Brenda said...

I agree with the homecoming thing.

we'll have fun though :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to stop reading your blog.



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